Awards and Award Ceremony


The Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SSI) will donate prizes for outstanding scientific achievements in basic and in clinical research. The first prize will be awarded with CHF 8,000, the second prize with CHF 5,000 and the third prize with CHF 2,000 Swiss Francs in each category. The winner of the 1st prize in each category will have the opportunity to present the work during the 2021 annual meeting.

Further information can be found here


  • Best poster
  • Best project (innovation/implementation)
  • Best paper

Participants who submit an abstract in the categories "Best poster" and "Best project (innovation/implementation)" and would like to take part in the competitions have to be member of the SSHH or register at the same time as a member of the SSHH (registration as a member). Non-members of the SSHH are not eligible to participate in the competitions.

Further information can be found here: DEFR | IT.

Award ceremony

The award ceremony will take place during the congress.