
Thank you for your interest in the Joint Annual Meeting 2021 in Montreux.
Registration is mandatory.

Register here for your participation

Registration fees

  Early bird
August 22, 2021
Late and onsite fees
Days 1 2 1 2
Members MD / Academics 120 200 220 300
Non-Members MD / Academics 220 300 320 400
Members Nurses 80 140 180 240
Non-Members Nurses 100 160 200 260
Residents / PhD / Post docs / Students 80 140 180 240

    Fees in CHF, Subject to modifications

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be faxed or electronically mailed to the congress organizer IMK.
Cancellations received up to August 4, 2021 : 50% refund will be made
Cancellations received after August 5, 2021: no refund will be made